For those interested in more information on Cellulaze I've provided a video recording of a webinar conducted on the subject. Unfortunately, the video is approximately 12:00 minutes in length. But I recommend that you still watch it.Source:
Cellulite is one of the most troubling and embarrassing conditions that a woman can possess. Now you can rid yourself of unsightly cellulite and gain the sexy body you've always wanted with cellulite cures
Friday, May 30, 2014
Cellulaze Laser Treatment- Cellulite Removal in One Visit
How to Prevent Cellulite
What is one word that can cause widespread fear and loathing in women all across the world? Although images of spiders, snakes or even bad dates might come to mind, an even more common fear exists - cellulite! The unsightly wrinkling of skin around your hips, thighs and buttocks is experienced by most post-pubescent women. Although you can't completely eliminate cellulite, you can empower yourself to reduce the condition.Okay you're one of the lucky few who doesn't have cellulite. But because there is no guarantee that you won't ever one day have the condition I believe that it just makes good sense for you as a woman to know what is involved in preventing from acquiring it. The tips in following article may not necessarily be all inclusive but as you will soon see, there is still many good tips that you can put into practice if you are willing to put in the work.
If you want to know how to prevent cellulite, you need to inform yourself of the various methods available.
The cosmetics industry has been more than happy to take advantage of this widespread condition by offering an endless variety of products aimed at fighting cellulite. Anti-cellulite creams, lotions or gels are now available in most department stores and the majority of cosmetic companies now offer products specifically targeted to reduce cellulite. For example, Hydroderm has created a product called "Body Shape" which increases moisture to the skin. The active ingredients of the lotion are delivered into the fat cells in an effort to dehydrate and reduce the size of the individual fat cells. The prices and results vary greatly so you will need to invest a little time to determine if any of the products actually do produce visible results.
An option that requires a little more effort, but greatly improves your chances of positive results is weight and interval training. Interval training consists of alternating between a recovery or slower pace and a faster high-exertion pace of exercises. Fitness instructors recommend performing vigorous interval training at least twice per week. Weight lifting sessions should also be incorporated into your weekly routine - especially exercises targeted for the lower body such as squats, leg presses and lunges. Regular cardiovascular exercise will help you to burn extra calories and transform body fat into energy, thus minimizing the appearance of cellulite.
To Read the rest- How To Prevent Cellulite - Several Great Tips
What does Dr. Oz say about Cellulite?Thursday, May 22, 2014
One-time treatment gets rid of cellulite
In doing my research for this blog I came across a treatment for removing cellulite that is FDA approved and only requires one visit. I have to tell you guys that the treatment is very expensive but it does have a 100% satisfaction rate. The following article is an excerpt taken from a story Fox news did on the treatment and the doctor who developed it. The story is somewhat dated but that shouldn't matter if the procedure is able to help some of you.
Ever since “showing some skin” hit the fashion scene, women have been looking for ways to get rid of cellulite.
Click the following link To understand Cellulite Causes and TreatmentsJohanna Petrychi, a physician’s assistant from Queens, N.Y., is no exception – she has been dealing with cellulite since her ‘tween years.
"Even at 12 years old, you know, always going to the beach with friends; sitting down, I look over, I had dimples, they didn't have dimples,” Petrychi said. “And it was something that progressively got worse the older I got."
No matter how much she exercised, Petrychi didn't see a change, and it affected her everyday life.
"I always wore long shorts from as far back as I remember,” she said. “You know, whether it'd be going out to the beach, or trying to wear skirts; growing up everything just went to my knee," she said.
So in November 2010, she turned to Dr. Bruce Katz, director of the Juva Skin and Laser Center in New York City, who introduced her to Cellulaze, the first one-time laser treatment approved for cellulite by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Check out the remainder of the article: One-time treatment gets rid of celluliteVideo Still Image source:
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Guys, just a brief word about the woman in this video, although she is seemingly knowledgeable and very easy to look at she is very chatty. However, she does eventually demonstrate some exercises that supposedly are effective for banishing unwanted cellulite. So if you can be a little patient, a workout hopefully you can use to rid yourself of that unsightly condition should be worth the wait.