Editorial Note:
One of the things that I have come to discover in my pursuit of the truth behind dealing with the elimination of cellulite is that in order for a woman to be successful to that end she must take a very measured approach which cover a number of solutions. And it's essential that her diet factor into that approach. These foods can not only help you in losing weight, if that is what's also important to you but they also do wonders in shredding cellulite. I truly believe that after reading this information packed post, you'll be more hopeful than you've been in some time.

It happens to the best of us, the dreaded orange peel skin, no matter what age or size we are. Try as we may to battle cellulite with potions, lotions, creams and treatments, the most effective way of smoothing things over is actually by improving our diets. Cellulite - bumpy fat deposits underneath the skin - is caused by a number of factors, including hormones, but the build up of toxins in the body and the elasticity of the skin can also contribute. Try focusing your diet on the Top 30 foods we've listed here and see if it makes a difference. You should also take regular exercise, focusing particularly on troublesome areas, and avoid alcohol, cigarettes and sugary or processed foods.
Green Tea
Green tea has been proven to aid weight loss by speeding up the metabolism, inhibiting fat absorption and aiding glucose regulation, making it a great beverage choice for anyone who’s looking to shape up and improve their health. However, it’s also good for beating the dreaded orange peel skin. It contains an ingredient called theobromine, which stimulates the release of stored fats in the body, as does the caffeine it contains. Try drinking three to five cups a day and see if it makes a difference.
Whole Grains
Brown pasta, brown rice and other whole grain cereals can aid weight loss as a source of slow-release energy, which keeps you satisfied for longer. They are also high in antioxidants, battling against cellulite-causing toxins by helping the body to boot them out. Add at least one bowl a day to your diet to feel the effects.
Broccoli is a real king among vegetables as far as nutritional values go. Each floret contains a cocktail of beauty-boosting vitamins and minerals, and is relatively low in calories. However, there is one property it has that other foods lack in. Alpha lipoic is a naturally-occurring substance that prevents collagen in the body from hardening, which causes cellulite. Get your fill by including three or four steamed portions a week to your meals.
One of the most common causes of cellulite, other than genetics, is the toxins we consume and inhale. These reduce the skin’s elasticity and slow the circulation, so we need to aid our body’s natural detox process and help to flush them out. Drinking plenty of water is essential for this, so make sure you drink the recommended eight glasses a day, and avoid toxin-rich alcohol and soft drinks.
Oranges don’t just taste sweet – they’re a great for your body, too. As well as being packed with vitamin C, oranges contain methoxylated bioflavonoids, which improve the blood circulation and correct cell imbalances that may lead to cellulite.
Many A-listers swear by eating asparagus before appearing on the red carpet because of its fantastic anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce bloating while remaining low in calories. It’s also great for flushing out pesky toxins that can lead to cellulite, as it stimulates blood circulation.
Eating antioxidant-rich berries, such as raspberries, blueberries or blackberries, is a particularly good way of helping your body get rid of toxins. Sprinkle a handful over your cereal in the morning, or enjoy as part of a low fat smoothie.
Oily Fish
Processed fatty foods like cheese and sausages are a big cellulite-busting no-no. But good fats, like those found in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, can actually help to smooth things out. The fatty acids it contains help your body to metabolize fat, including that of cellulite.
Cayenne Pepper
As well as boosting your metabolism – the process your body uses to burn calories – cayenne pepper helps to improve your circulation. The hot spice does this by warming the body internally, thus increasing the blood flow.
Another spice great for giving orange peel skin the heave-ho is turmeric. The yellow spice, which is often used in Indian cooking, stimulates the circulation, reduces swelling and battles toxins with high levels of antioxidants, too. Try making a low-fat veggie curry a few times a week with some of the other ingredients listed here and see if it makes a difference.
Garlic is well-known for helping to lower blood cholesterol, as well as being a great immune system booster and a natural antibiotic. This not only improves the general health of the body, but also aids blood circulation, helping the body to flush out toxins and battle against cellulite.
Watermelon gets its beautiful ruby red color from a particularly potent antioxidant called lycopene. This not only helps to improve blood circulation, therefore helping to smooth out cellulite over time, but can also protect against heart disease…
Pink Grapefruit
… As does pink grapefruit which, like oranges, also contains methoxylated bioflavonoids. These are antioxidants which improve the blood circulation and correct cell imbalances that can lead to cellulite. Furthermore, grapefruit is thought to be a good metabolism booster, so we’d definitely recommend giving this all-rounder a whirl.
Tomatoes also get their cheery scarlet exteriors from circulation-stimulating lycopene. They, too, are rich in vitamin C, which helps to keep the skin firm and taut by aiding collagen production.
Fiber-rich apricots are high in vitamins A and C, as well as containing lycopene. Swap out your usual midday snack for a small bag of dried apricots and a sprinkling of almonds instead.
15 More Cellulite Fighting Foods
Article Source: http://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/features/health-fitness/2011/08/top-30-cellulite-busting-foods
Image credit: http://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk